Supporting Palliative Care Patients and Families at Texas Children's

I am privileged to be a part of the Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT) at Texas Children's Hospital. PACT provides palliative care to children and families facing serious, often life threatening illness. Many of our patients and families face significant financial hardships, made worse by the additional costs of caring for a child with serious medical issues. We have families who have had to quit jobs, give up homes, cars, possessions in order to provide the best care possible for their child.
Our team also coordinates bereavement support for families of children who sadly died of illness or injury. We host an annual candlelighting event to honor and remember children who have died too soon. Our first event hosted over 700 people from across the region and we hope to continue this tradition. We are raising funds to help support our patients and families as they face their many hurdles and to continue to provide needed bereavement support to grieving families. We appreciate your support of palliative care and on behalf of PACT, our patients and families, we thank you!
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