TDC Palliative Care Relief Fund

In my many years on this earth, I have never experienced any event that came close to having the destructive power that we experienced here in Houston with Hurricane Harvey. While we have only lived here for a short while, it is clear that there is a unifying spirit, an over-riding ethos that supercedes politics, race, religion, and gender. It is a simple creed that I have heard countless times over the last several days:
Texans help Texans.
In that spirit, I am asking you to help this Texan (yes, that feels still a bit strange) to help other Texans recover from this overwhelming disaster. There are no doubt scores of worthy charities to which one could contribute: the Greater Houston Community Foundation, The United Way of Greater Houston, and the American Red Cross (among others). All great organizations, all dedicated to helping those most affected by the storm.
There is also another.
As many of you may know, my wife is the Director of the Palliative Care Team at Texas Children's Hospital here in Houston, which provides critical services to families of children with the most serious illnesses. These children and their families do not often share many characteristics (politics, race, religion) other than one: they have spent much if not all of their disposable income (and beyond) on the care of their very sick child.
Many of these families have now been assessed an additional financial and emotional burden: Hurricane Harvey. On top of their overwhelming medical bills, many are now tasked with finding the resources to rebuild their lives in a different, but no less trying manner.
Thus, I have created this page to ask for your donation, no matter how large or small, to help these families that had already known devastation far before Harvey came to Houston.
Many people have asked me how they can help. I will say again that there are many great organizations that would appreciate your donation. A donation to the Palliative Care Team at Texas Children's Hospital, however, will send your gift to a family that has already been through enough.
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